Baxter’s Friends

Book Information

ISBN: 978-1603811620
Publisher: Coffeetown Press
Genre: Literary Fiction
Price: $13.95
Available at: Amazon, Smashwords

Book Description

Released June 1, 2013  by Coffeetown Press, BAXTER’S FRIENDS by Ned Randle, a new work of literary fiction told in a unique male voice. This book is available to order through, Coffeetown Press, and Smashwords.

Baxter’s Friends: A Novel, by Ned Randle

Jerry Baxter’s father liked to sing the old cowboy song, “O bury me not on the lone prairie …” when he drank. Ironically, Baxter and his two good friends, Hugh Ferguson and Al Mitchell, are soon to be buried alive, and the hole they are digging for themselves is getting deeper all the time.

Baxter is racked with guilt by the sight of his father sitting semi-coherent, blind, and barely mobile in the dismal nursing home he put him in. Fearing a fate every bit as grim, Baxter finds refuge in stark rituals from his Native American heritage that animate his fitful dreams. Ferguson has found religion, or rather had it forced upon him by his wife, who otherwise wants nothing to do with him. The tedium of his job as an accountant is slowly driving Ferguson around the bend. His one solace: fantasizing about an attractive female co-worker, while Mitchell, who has lost his zest for wheeling and dealing and womanizing, looks for a new thrill.

The three longtime friends are approaching middle age kicking and screaming, if only on the inside.

That is about to change.

Praise for Baxter’s Friends

Shows real promise… Baxter’s Friends left me hoping Randle spends more time at a keyboard than he does in a courtroom.
– Harry Levins, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Read the full review.