April 27, 2014 By Ned Randle in Blog , What's New // 0 Comment
Dear ned,
So many times since I read your wonderful novel I have wanted to write you, tell you how much the that book and your book of poetry has touched me where I am to help me know myself, a moving target. That’s, of course, what poignant novels do, seek fictive truth about ourselves too stark and personal to bear the light of self reflection. I’m at the age of more...
novel, O. Victor Miller, review, Vic Miller
June 19, 2013 By Ned Randle in Blog , What's New // 0 Comment
Love’s Alchemy
Review by O. Victor Miller
Running at Night: Collected Poems 1976-2012
By Ned Randle
I don’t read much poetry anymore, never write about a living poet, never would’ve discovered Running at Night by Ned Randle without a personal connection to the poet, his wife Rita, his niece, his deceased sister Carol, to whose memory this thin book is dedicated more...
aging, Cahokia Mounds, O. Victor Miller, poetry, Running at Night, St. Louis, Vic Miller